Live Better

I can help you get started today.

Counseling and Coaching in Atlanta, GA

Let’s Talk

Everything is fine on the outside…

On the outside, you look all polished and established as a professional.

People look up to you and think your life is great.

But you know what’s up.

You’re miserable inside.

Under the surface you’re
falling apart.

You’re overwhelmed, angry, stressed out, and afraid most of the time.

As you live in your head, you regret the decisions you made, compare yourself with others, think about what you should’ve said or done, and then beat yourself up.

Instead of dealing with issues, you blame them on something or someone else. You may act like the issues don’t exist at all.

At times you take your frustration
out on your loved ones.

You feel bad about it, beat yourself up again, and the cycle continues.

Too ashamed to tell anyone what’s going on, you keep it bottled up for fear of being judged.

Deep down, you know that something must change… but how can that happen when you’re stuck?

If this looks remotely like you, then I have good news. You’ve come to the right place.

Hello, my name is Lori.

Welcome to Move Forward Counseling and Coaching, a boutique private practice experience.

I specialize in helping individuals and couples put a stop to being miserable and stuck. This happens through a series of transformative conversations focused on finding solutions to issues instead of focusing on the issues themselves.

My clients are able to free themselves from self-limiting thoughts; toxicity in their relationships, worrying about what they can’t control; fearing failure; and living beneath their potential.

More About Me

What You Want is Within Reach

Imagine what your life would be like if you weren’t miserable?

What would be different about you?

If you’re ready to experience that difference, this is your opportunity to take the first step.

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Whatever we believe about ourselves and our ability comes true for us.
– Susan L. Taylor

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